Monday, March 23, 2009

the routine.

I usually chop the vegs and meat.
The other two girls usually do the actual cooking.
The guy usually wash the dishes and take out the trash.

While doing our bit of work in preparing dinner, we'd sing. Or more like hum incohherently. Most often then not, the songs we sang will get stuck in my head. first it was I Belive I Can Fly. Then some Bollywood song. At one time, it was a silly song from Obama spoof called I Can Do Whatever I Like. You can find it on YouTube if youre interested. (i warned you, i t might get stuck in you head for days though). At one time it was Follow me by Uncle Kraker, (that happens during the boyfie's visit and i was singing while he was cooking :)) ) . And today, its a boyband song, The Shape of My Heart.

over dinner than, we would talk about anything under the sun. politics, entertainment, religions, food, Malaysia, families, and of course medic stuff. (oh BTW, i warn you again, most of the time, we selalu talk about very visual, gory, gross stuff over dinner) After dinner, we would bid each other goodnight, and settle to our rooms. For me, whatever that was talked on over the meal, that too would get stuck in my head. If we talked bout Malaysia or families, id enter the room feeling homesick :|. if it was medic-y stuff, i go in and opens my book, check the details; have i told them or what theyve told me was correct (nerd!). if its politics, or religions, i go on the net and read up thinking 'gosh,how ignorant could i be.' And okay, who am i kidding now. If its a hot gossip, well, i make calls to share the news :D

Dinnertime Chitchat is particularly important nowadays when im mentally dysfunctional. It got my brain to be active for about an hour or so. I woke up this past few days just to eat, watch series, make (unexecutable) revision plans for the holidays, eat and sleep again.

in short, I feel like a fat potato. *sigh* maybe i should ask them if they feel like fat potatoes too during dinnertime chitchat tomorrow. i hope its not just me.

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