Sunday, March 29, 2009

new found love

for the iPhone 3G.

im gonna start my easter vacation tomorrow. upon coming back, we have a month before the final exam *shivers* i have around 70 letcures to read, understand and memorise and so far ive done... uhm... 5?
the plan is to revise while having fun. not a combination that usually works for me, but this time ive gotto do it, do or die. my phone is packed with nerdy doctory stuff like it always is, comes the holiday. the medic letcure podcasts from Cambridge and UCL is particularly helpful :) lets hope i make good use of it all on the go.

be back in two weeks time ppl

vaarwel en zie u!

Amsterdam, here i come!


buellart said...

ahh, a euro trip, erm how nice! come back with exams, erm not nice wokeh, hehe

tmah said...

amsterdam? lucky u girl
hv a nice trip!

ashieBee said...

thanks for the souvenirs :)) we ate it at his place though. hihihii. see u when u come down to london again lah ok?

and good luck for the coming exams **hugs**