i havnt been updating for so long, blame mr.blogger.. *boooo* i have no idea why would they want us to accsess to our blogs with a google account now.. why oh whY? i mean like its such a fuss for us tht doesnot have google account yet. so there i was for the last 2 weeks creating a google account for myself in vain (now, blame the college s.l.o.w wireless intrernet connection) even when im typing this im not sure whether it could be posted *sigh* i suppose Mr. Blogger must have some joint venture with the google company, maybe... (like, google is such a succesful search engine and has a lot of users so does blogger.com. so they kinda take advantage on each other's fame) ahh.. what do they call it? economies of sclae..? hehe.. all the economic jargons.. owh, have i told you guys, im takibg business studies for my AS level. well, the subjects is kinda interesting as it revolves about everthing aroud us and it kinda makes me think more and know more. the dawnfall of this subject howevwer is the previous exam results of the seniors is said to be ve-ry bad so that kinda worries me.. but then again Mr. K said.. dont have the sentiment of that the subject is hard and it'd be hard to score and such.. just do your best.. yeah, as 'easy' as he said it, now om working my butt off to memorize all the business terms, believe me, it' killing my neurons day after day...
ow, wait up.. nuff bout all the whine...
mama called the other day and told me,
apperrently, my uncle that lives in Switzerland had somehow find my blog and been reading it on dayily basis as a reading material for the whole family!! heh there i go.. busted big time baybeyh~
to azrai, mak ai, kak min, nisa, and uncle yunos.. er? hehe hm, nope i dont have a bf lah.. *wink* live you all miss you all keep in touch kayh!
got same sapphire work to be done for bangsawan! ttyl! bye!
gile malu family members gi bace!! haha..uncle n auntie lyla,she's bluffing!!! die ade bf! hahaha
shudnt it be obvious by now , than google clearly owns blogger.. n they even have shares in youtube..
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