Friday, August 11, 2006

a whole month of revivified life...

sedar tak sedar, today, genap a month i am here in the new place.. i'd be lying if i say i dont like it here. so far, life hare had been full of new experiences and challenges. okay, so, tht might sound cliched and a little poyo.. but guess what, thts really how i feel.. its not always blood sweat and tears, nor its always flowers, rainbows and butterflies.. okay, so, maybe its too early for me to judge anything cuz its only had been a month..

owh.. gtg.. im at rc atcually.. kelas nak start dah.. will update later.. (so much later kot sbb server kat chalet down.. frigging server!!)


hye hye hye.... guess what!!?? server dah okay!!!! yeeeeehaaaa.. tnx to the brain aka nazri yang telah susah payah mengajar me to tukar IP address watsoever.. haha im so0 happy~

well where was i the last time uh..? ouh the 1st month ann thing.. atcually hari ni da masuk a month and 2 days..and today for the 1st time here i rase sgt cud they not open the store sukan time cuti.. uhuk.. da la 3/4 of the college population balik.. sunyi gile~n yeah! budak2 bank negare ade course ape tah.. haih bosan2.. so the 1st month went well with so much intersting happened.. and today.. sgt busan! hoho...

today, we had CP practice.. CP_ Cultural PErformance.. a ritual to be completed by all new stdents in kyuem where we'd have to make a production on our own (the whole batch must tlibiat) pasal anything we want and perform depan the whole college,sponsors, and parents *grr* it might sounds lame and unimportant at all tp believe me, as it nears kan, mcm cuak gak la sbb its represent our batch yada yada things like that.. so we'll be judge la..

other than CP, my lesson is going quite well la.. stakat ni bole la cope lagik..


uh, really ngntuk.. ill stop here k..see you guys later.. *yawn*



amila said...

nazri d brain? ehem2..siapakah? *wink*

Laila Pauzy said...

geds kot.. bukankah die yang nak sponsor you tu kan? kan?