Monday, August 18, 2008

things you really should try (all in a day) to have fun n spend quality time with family members and make you feel good.

1) google on the net for cupcakes recipe, taram je, give it a go. then decorate sesuka hatily with ur little sisters n a crazy brother if possible. (the decorations can be as silly as you want it to be. the sillier, the merrier)

2) go do the fish spa, again! n feel clean n yucky at the same time.
3) get a new spectacles! a geeky one is not a bad choice i say.

4) just simply eat durians! kan milo? durian is a girls bestest fren. ;)

5) have a hearty dinner, take lots of pictures with family members.
and finally, be grateful for what you have cause the only way to feel happy and contented is when u appreciate what is around you. :)


SalamMedia said...

ehh... serupe!

Laila Pauzy said...

apa yang sama eddie?

amila said...

oh..yum yum durians!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Serupa lah dengan kita orang Malaysia! Selamat Hari Merdeka! Kalau tak keberatan, Tengoklah blog kita.