i am not at all in a good mood. i might be a little bitchy the whole day. heck maybe even the whole week.beware.
its a short weekend. so short we didnt even realise we have one kan. classes end at 1 oclock saturday and begin again at 8 oclock Monday. *sigh*
the week past was full with dramas. in the law students clique and also in yours truly medic nerds. case closed anyway. thanks to firdaus amaran for enlightening us to the truth through his blog. and to Asma for being heroic and give her a wake up call. i wanna be brave like you.
erkk *snif sniff* i smell smthng burning. like the smell in the HUKM operating theater. the testicle removal operation.
ill update later when my moods better. gonna go check what the burning smell is. maybe someone is losing his balls?
oh btw kan, i watched the whole operation processes. so i know how to do it. :) dont mess with me.
blogs that i stalk?
laaaa...pls dun be a stalker!!
its so scareeeee...heeeehe
heheeee *wink* not really i do drop comments once in a while.. so xkire stalker ok..
testicle removal operation? D: *run*
luckily I dont have one (or two) so you can't scare me! booo~
and oh, can you perform that operation on my ex? I want him to suffer. haha.
talk about wanting exes to suffer..
dont we all, girls? :) i'll gladly remove both aisyah!
hahah. this is morbid.
uuuu...i wanna do that too!! i mean..to my ex..not me..haha..
":) dont mess with me."
senyum, disertakan dgn ayat2 amaran.
wah, takut. hehe
oh itu senyuman menakutkan lah aini.
like *smirk, then bukak mate besar2 n bare teeth*
Whoaaa remove testicle?
testosterone hormone level abnormalities ke?
Aisyah: instead of removing his testicles, why not replace it with cow's testicle, i believe its possible. Hahaha
em.. how ever, dont remove mine, I want them intact. So I know when stop to harassing, when girl kicked my on groin
* when to stop
Gosh, why do I have to type so fast?
his testicle got twisted in an accident. so doctor kate its practically nonfuncional anymore. and he might get infection kalau xbuang plus is not a pretty sight to see, twisted testicle is.
NH. this isnt english class. so dont bother betulkan. we get what u mean.
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