this is what im thinking right now... (note that i baru lepas bace a mellow love story *jeez*)
Love could be set in motion quickly, but true love needed time to grow into something strong and enduring, it does not happen over just a few months, few movies together and few phone calls, to name a few. love is, above all, about commitment and dedication and belief that spending years with a certain person would create something greater than the sum of what the two could accomplished separetely. only time, however could show whether u'd been right in your judgement (and this is the scary part).
Lust, meanwhile could happen almost instantly. its the feeling of wanting to hold somone in your arms, kiss the person and keep the person as long as you can, for what ever the reason is. it might be physical attraction, material attraction, or as stupid as just wanting somone cause thats just the-in-thing, you know... lust is as simple as this. two people learned that they are compatible, attraction grows, and the instinct to keep one another kicks in.
and liking someone is merely love but certainly more than lust, at least, in my case(s) most of the time, thats the way it is.
'like' does not seem appropriate tho.. like.. i like ice cream, i like watching prison break, i like this and that.. the exclusiveness of the word itself is down grading for someone i like... my definition of liking someone is when you want to know more about the person, and you grow a genuine feeling of care and concern for the person. you get this butterflies in your stomach when you wana talk to the person, giddy if you bumped into the person.. and, you know, all this stuff.. and for feelings as such, ive been experiancing it since i was in, well, standard 5?
i always believe i have never been so in love with anyone, yet. as for lust, okay, well, maybe... infatuation is more appropriate i think. but i always really easily grow this 'like'-ing thing for someone. not good, i know... and it so happens that the if the person i like, likes me back and starts to get serious, i shy away, scare away.. i dont like to get attached, not anymore. cause i've learned from my mistakes, along the way, or , finally, if you are attached to anyone,you would get hurt or worse, u'll hurt somebody..
only idiots reapeat the same mistakes..
life is short.. venture it while you have time..dont restrict yourself, or get yourself into somthing that makes your prespective and chances in this life being restricted *wink* this world could offer so much for you to learn from, its just the matter of finding it, learn, and move on, find more, and learn and the process never stops until you put a stop to it...
enjoy life. its not yet time for the four-letter word -
::L.O.V.E----->faizal's version is da best ngeh
::laila jiwang keke
i am and alwis will be ;) hehe naah la nazir.. tgh layan time tuh..
dun ya shit me girl~hahah
no offensive four letter words please... im not shi'in u... its not love.. its just like love =)
*ouch* really gad, ouch man..
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