Tuesday, July 28, 2009

random pics

hello i feel like updating. words are failing me nowadays. i cant use proper english OR Bahasa. so i put pictures. i am cameraless now. so i imagine not long from now, when my english will still be broken, and my Bahasa is no better, and i cant put up pictures nomore, i would start posting wordless n picturesless posts with only punctuation marks or smthng to depicts my story and feelings. cool huh? :D

okay now. you can ignore me. im just rambling. just to let you know im still alive and doing okay around my loved ones. :) also, i have to let you know that;

i met Tony the airasia guy on my way back to msia. he was on the same flight and went around to greet every passenger and thank us 'for flying with AirAsia'

i put on 4 kilos while at home.

i passed 1st year with better than expected results (alhamdulillah) :) and will go back to the UK in less then a couple of months, before raya :(

i went to trg the other day to give motivation to school kids! :)

i visited my old (primary) school!! *oh the nostalgia!

ive visited 2 out of 3 of the arwahs i planned to visit whom all passed away when i was in England. *innalillah, Alfatihah*

i watched a few movies and had a good time with great company

i ate durians

i ate a lot of durians

and i havent buy anything since the megasale started. (ur cue to pat me on my back)

:) thats all for now.


JHaZ KiTaRo said...

salam dari pelajar di bumi eire.. blog hopping.. :)

scousers said...

durian snuggling...
i mean smuggling lmao

buellart said...

cis, no wonder idle for quite a while, hepi holidays.

ps: b cautious, H1N1 is at large

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....