Fiqry and I mulled over for what seems like forever to decide wheather or not to take on the ride and we finally decided; oh well, what the heck, why not right? hehehe. Two thumbs up!!
(and sorry again fo the upside down vid, oh well, i cant be botherd)
I wish i could write more but i really ought to pack up, my room is a MESS.all the packings up to do aside, im elated. The boyfriend is coming over tomorrow and we will go on a holidayy next weeekkk!! :DD
alrighty, i better get back to packing. ttyl.
enjoy folks the sun is finally here :)
lyla! paling last aku pegi alton towers when i was 7 years old and aku still ingat the lame ghost rides kat situ. haha. tp the other rides are awesome, ada satu ride tuh mcm log terjun (tataw la kalo ade lagi sekarang), until now i can still remember the thrill naek dat ride. huhu. tp dat video yg u record, sumpah seram!
have a great holiday hun
waa, neck cramp okeh, where did the ride go? under ground? under water?
underground! but macam ada air spray2. it was pitch dark in there!
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