woke up early the next morning, mama ayah along nurul and iqa all called. then i went for a walk as i had no class tht morning. the sun seemed a little brighter, the air fresher, and even the cats seemed to like me better (oh well, maybe they all has been this way all along i just not quite a morning person to realise) . :) it was one of the bestest days in KYUEM for me.
to my girls, thanks... you guys was super nice yesterday! with the cookings frying and presents, i cudnt ask for a better celebration. nad, dayah, fada, milo, yaz, asma, kim, eija, ida, tikah, aina,nana and farah sayang korang! to najib, johan, kahirul, eddy, and the other guys that did that phone call, heeehee tnx! u guys sgt cute! to muqy, asip, atiq n khai ; omg i x sangka pon korg ingt :) thank you all.
to zul, yes, you truly deserve a big fat hug, you made my day even when youre so far away. youre my everything, thank you b!
oh yeah,
and you're definitely the apple of my eyes, (and my ears, i suppose?) hehhe
iLove you :)