gosh, believe it or not, coll is reopening soon (in 2 days time) i just realised i havnt had the chance to recap my sem 2 like i did 4 my sem 1...
but, well i guess its pretty much would be the same. im still the same old me, a lil upbeat n too cheerful sometimes and a lil whiney and moody once in a while. im still the girl next door, a fren to many of you (always here in case you need me). a foe to some of you, maybe (im sorry i have what u dont, i cant help it :p) a girlfren to one of you (love you b) and most of all, im just laila, the same old laila... :)
i went to langkawi last week to get my spm cert. sir izad said i look different. he said i give off bright aura (what? so b4 this i gave off dark aure, sir?) i look charismatic n yada yada yad (ok-kay.. i get it i didnt shine back then in langkawi hm?) hehe.. anyway, what ever i dont really get what he means, but i think thts good, ryte guys?
pak syed said i look taller, cg syarina asked whether im getting engaged b4 i fly off ( she thought i still dgn my hi school sweetheart) heheh.. we all had a good chat changed email add and all.. it was indeed fun actually :)
went out with my 501 05 folks td, had fun :D we catch up with each other and.. well... um.. i think mostly we teman yaz shopping..hehe anyway its good to be able to jumpe din n sya n gad again esp, and nazir too..its been quite some time x jumpe dorg..
owh have i told u guys along's flying off to PennState U this August? :D im happy 4 him, cday gak la die nak pegi dah but well, he deserves it i guess, hes been working hard for this (knowing tht die sllu buat keje last minute (like me; not good, i know), msti he worked his butt off for this) most probably along wud be on the same flght ngn ainul! so i can send both of them off nnt! great! :)
this might be my last post 4 this holly, nnt coll da bukak (which i'll be a senior) i'll be quite bz i guess, i have DoE camping the 1st week, PS this and PS that... sigh... i dont wanna be a senior... :(
Zul is
still not back from OBS.. a fren of mine just told me OBS is fun,gud 4 him then, hope hes having fun.. cant wait 4 him to get back,i cant stand sappy love songs these days makes me think bout him.. heh (call me lame, whatever, i just want him to be back quick! mish u hun!)
i guess i'll stop here, ive crap too lots tonyte.. nanananananyte!